All of our products have a free, 7-day trial available. Please note that you do not need to register to try out our products.
At the product page of the product you want to try, click the "Try for free" button at the bottom.
Enter your e-mail address. This serves for internal purposes only and will NOT be used for advertising.
Tell us a bit about yourself. (Multiple choice available) These answers serve for internal purposes only, allowing us to get to know our customers.
You can enter your email address to receive tips and tricks about using the product. Checking this box means we will send you 2-3 emails for tips and tricks for using the product during the trial period. This is NOT a sign-up for a regular newsletter
After pressing "Continue", you will be redirected to a page where you can download your trial.
After installing and opening the product in your DAW of choice, you will be prompted with the following pop-up window. Click the "Start Trial" button to start using the trial.
Now starts your 7-day trial. Every time you launch the product in those 7 days, you will see your time remaining and your usage of the product - to see how much you like it. If you love it, you can buy the product directly from the pop-up window - click the "Buy" button, and you will continue to the purchase website.
If you purchase the product during the trial period, you will enter the license number here and click "Submit":
That is it! We hope you will enjoy our products, and we look forward to providing you with the best tools for your music journey.